Your trouble shooting guide to a stuck Yoni Egg:

Yoni Egg knows best. Only your Yoni Egg will know whether it should stay or go, whether or not its work is done. At times you’ll feel something slightly off. You’ll know when it’s time to get moving.

Don’t worry, you can’t lose a Yoni Egg. There’s no way for it to make it’s way up and into another part of your body. neither will it disappear forever in your Yoniverse.

I get it, there can definitely be a moment of sheer panic.

My rule of thumb is to let my Yoni Egg decide when to call it a day, I’ll just leave it in there until then. On days where I don’t/can’t wear underwear or if it’s my time of the month, it makes sense to remove it myself. Put simply, it’s just about being able to control our muscles in a way, that we can gently push it out. Think midwife at bed telling you to “push.” That kind of movement. There are times where the tissue down there will expand and cause some pressure and you’ll hold on to it without wanting to, you’ll find this to be the case right before you menstruate or after long periods of sitting.

If you’re just starting out the Yoni Eggs on our site come with strings for removal, although it’s best to let your Yoni Egg stay until it wants to go.

Here are some options for removing a Yoni Egg that may work for you:


Keep your feet flat on a solid surface, back straight and lower your butt. Breathe deeply and relax, then push. It may take a few pushes.


Lay on your back, legs spread and your knees bent with the soles of your feet however you find comfortable. Now use the strength of your muscles to push your Yoni Egg. Don’t get caught up on this, your ‘strength’ in this situation is mostly based on relaxing. Relaxing your muscles is key to this technique.


Slide in your index and middle finger and find your Yoni Egg. Think of a scooping motion, gently guide the Yoni Egg out. Be gentle and be comfortable.


Not only is a good laughing fit a solid ab workout; it reduced stress, relaxes muscles and can eventually pop out your Yoni Egg. In all seriousness, be less serious, laughter can only be good for you.


If after all that your Yoni Egg still wants to stay cozied up, try to massage your perineum. This usually causes a relaxation of the pelvic area and could help to bring your Yoni Egg back out.


If you’re repeatedly struggling with getting your Yoni Egg out, consider using a string until you’re used to it. There’s nothing wrong with using a string, once you’re a pro you can ditch it, but it’s a safe option as a last resort.

An important reminder: Stress causes your body to tense up. The more tense you are, the more your Yoni Egg will move upwards. Stay calm and relaxed, if nothing else, gravity is on your side.